The Atari Compendium
The Atari Compendium (Toad Computers) (1994).iso
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378 lines
== Computer Virus Catalog (Version 1.2) ==
== Status: October 31, 1989 ==
== Classified: 15 MSDOS-Viruses (MSDOSVIR.A89) ==
== 24 AMIGA-Viruses (AMIGAVIR.A89) ==
== 6 Atari-Viruses (ATARIVIR.A89: this document) ==
= This document contains the classifications of the following viruses: =
== 1) Anthrax = Milzbrand Virus =+=
== 2) c't Virus ==
== 3) Emil 1A Virus = "Virus 1A" ==
== 4) Emil 2A Virus = "Virus 2A" = mad Virus ==
== 5) Mouse (Inverter) Virus =U=
== 6) Zimmermann-Virus ==
== Remark: updates or additions sind last edition (July 31st, 1989) ==
== are marked =U= or =+= in column 72. We have problems to get ==
== viruses, since many users wish to exchange their viruses (like ==
== stamps) against our's, which we principally refuse: the Virus Test ==
== Center's ethical standard is, that we do not spread viruses! ==
== The Computer Virus Catalog may be copied free of charges provided ==
== that the source is properly mentioned at any time and location ==
== of reference. ==
== ==
== Editor: Virus Test Center, Faculty for Informatics ==
== University of Hamburg ==
== Schlueterstr. 70, D2000 Hamburg 13, FR Germany ==
== Prof. Dr. Klaus Brunnstein, Simone Fischer-Huebner ==
== Tel: (040) 4123-4158 (KB), -4715 (SFH), -4162(Secr.) ==
== Email (EAN/BITNET): Brunnstein@RZ.Informatik.Uni-Hamburg.dbp.de ==
== Critical and constructive comments as well as additions are ==
== appreciated. Especially, descriptions of recently detected viruses =
== will be of general interest. To receive the Virus Catalog Format, ==
== please contact the above address. ==
== Computer Virus Catalog 1.2: Milzbrand=Anthrax Virus (Nov.9, 1989) ===
Entry...............: Milzbrand Virus
Alias(es)...........: Anthrax
Virus Strain........: ---
Virus detected when.: April 1987
where.: C'T (a german computermagazin)
Classification......: Program Virus (Extending V.)
Length of Virus.....: 1222 Bytes
--------------------- Preconditions -----------------------------------
Operating System(s).: ATARI-TOS
Version/Release.....: All Versions of ATARI TOS
Computer model(s)...: All Atari ST models
--------------------- Attributes -------------------------------------
Wasy Identification.: if killing the FAT it shows six 'Viruses' on screen
the Virus body (readable with HexDump-facilities)
include the text : 'DIES IST EIN VIRUS'
(=`This is a Virus')
Type of infection...: Executable File infection(.PRG) extending
Infection Trigger...: all programs>1000 Bytes
Storage media affected: Infects programs on disks and hard disks
(in the actuell path)
Interrupts hooked...: ---
Damage..............: overwriting bootblock and FAT on disks A and B
Damage Trigger......: year=1987
Particularities.....: shows six 'Viruses' on screen
Similarities........: ---
--------------------- Agents ------------------------------------------
Countermeasures.....: Category 1.1 Monitoring Files: program which
monitors (attempted) changes of
Category 2: Alteration Detection: a program which
detects changes of given files
Category 3: Eradication: a program which erases
specific virus code from files
Countermeasures successful: ---
Standard means......: Write protect the disk
--------------------- Acknowledgement ---------------------------------
Location............: Virus Test Center, University Hamburg, FRG
Classification by...: ---
Documentation by....: Ralf Stegen
Date................: Nov.9 1989
Information Source..: C'T April 1987
===================== End of MILZBRAND Virus ==========================
===== Computer Virus Catalog 1.2: c't-Virus (July 30, 1989) ============
Entry...............: c't Virus
Alias(es)...........: ---
Virus Strain........: ---
Virus detected when.: ---
where.: ---
Classification......: System (=BootSector) Virus, Reset-resident.
Length of Virus.....: 512 Byte
--------------------- Preconditions ------------------------------------
Operating System(s).: ATARI-TOS
Version/Release.....: 1.0 (06.02.86), 1.2 (TOS 1.4 not tested)
Computer model(s)...: All types of the Atari ST Series
--------------------- Attributes ---------------------------------------
Identification......: ---
Type of infection...: The virus tests two longwords near the top of the
available memory at locations (memtop)-$200 and
The first longword is checked for $12123456, the
second one for $07A31CDF. If one of these doesnot
match, the virus is installed.
The virus is reset-resident.
1st: Virus is copied to a new location in memory;
2nd: Virus's age is increased by 1.
Infection Trigger...: Each time a diskette is changed, the new one
will be infected.
Storage media affected: Infects only diskettes. Damages Hard disks.
Interrupts hooked...: No interupts used.hdv_bpb and hdv_mediach vectors
are changed for installation in the system.
Damage..............: Transient/Permanent damage:
A damage can occur only if a harddisk is connected
to the system. Because of an error in the virus,
the partition information will be destroyed, if
the virus tries to write to the harddisk.
Otherwise, the following message is displayed on
the screen after every 20th infection:
"ARRRGGGHHH Diskvirus hat wieder zugeschlagen"
Damage Trigger......: Value of infection counter: every 20th infection.
Particularities.....: ---
Similarities........: ---
--------------------- Agents -------------------------------------------
Countermeasures.....: Programs that calculate the checksum and change
it, if it is $1234; the sector is then regarded as
not executable. (Category 1.3)
Countermeasures successful: ---
Standard means......: Write-protect the disk. Write a well-known program
to the boot sector; 'manually' change the check-
sum to a value other than $1234 .
--------------------- Acknowledgement ----------------------------------
Location............: Virus Test Center, University Hamburg, FRG
Classification by...:
Documentation by....: Michael Gaudlitz
Translated by.......: Bert K④hler
Date................: July 30, 1989
Information Source..: c't (Computer Magazine)
===================== End of c't Virus =================================